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Friday, February 4, 2011

Flying through January

Today i took my first flight as a student pilot and thought it was a good day to blog. So i havent blogged again for a while and i know keep saying that it will. my bad. January has been a tough month though its no excuse to not follow through with something i promised myself and you. I'l give you quick run down on it though.

The  Christmas period was spent near bateman's bay withthe family, it was a shocking resort overflowing with bogans. i don't think I ever have or ever will see so many southern cross tattoos again in my life. My Christmas present from my mum was a remote control helicopter and my dad got me some shlick work clothes. Oh yeh i might not have mentioned i'm employed. I got a job as a data entry drone at this place that teaches portugese in North Sydney. Its a job that doesnt require much thinking and is a gross underuse of my skills (and the salary reflects this). I actually might no longer have a job, over the last month and a half i cleared up all the accounts and automated much of what i was doing. Unwittingly and ironically, I made myself redundant. Anyway that helicopter spurred in me the childhood fascinations I had with aviation. 4 weeks of research later I picked a school and flew with an instructor by my side today. One of the most surreal experiences, it's one of the few things iv'e done that has actually lived up to the hype. I'll dedicate later blogs to flying, and hopefully get some pictures. But quickly the plan is toget my private pilots license in about a year and a half. I should be able to take passengers in a year flying in a single engine aircraft.

My new year's resolution was to play my guitar more, atleast 5 times a week. So far i have stuck to it. It's one of the few things that distracts me and keeps me happy. Distracts me from myself I guess. i have been finding itharder and harder to stay alone and idle. I always have myself doing stuff to keep me busy.
The rest of January sped by in a swirl of  21sts, meetings with friends, summer school and work.

It's unfortunate that i cant go into detail about them because a blog is meant to document my summer, but it would be too much to write  now. But i will talk about something that has been on my mind.

When i was a child i was a loner, a nigel, bullied to no end. If I had to pick an  experience that has shaped me as a person more than other it would undoubtedly be my development as i dealt with that isolation as a child. Albeit i had a loving family, I dealt with it in many different ways over the years. In my early years, it made me become my own best friend. I loved spending time alone, I was a daydreamer and could literally spend hours by myself gazing into the distance with a dumb smile on my face fantasising about showing my bullies up, ripping my shirt off and revealing my big red cape (and consequently my status as a superhero). Another popular daydream involved me going to the window of my year 6 crush at the dead of night, pulling out a beautiful brass saxaphone and gently waking her up with the sweet sweet sound of Kenny G. Then she would rush down from her room, almost in tears from excitement, tear across a garden and fall into my arms. Yeah I was one wimpy, soppy and poofy kid.In fact, my nickname as a kid was wimpy ( that one word made me so fucking angry back then). But to be honest i loved that kid, and I was probably happier as a daydreaming moron than I am as the overachieving, arrogant zealot I am today.

Today i sat in the park by myself, and after a long time i felt him in me again. The innocent, funny kid that needed nothing but food, water and his imagination. I sat for about 30 mins today smiling. Hopefully he is here to stay and can atleast become a larger part of me.

I still need to buy my new car, my dad keeps postponing the day we ar meant to go, but it looks more and more likely i'm getting an 07 impreza. Iknow, i know it'll make me look more of a leb than i was before. But too bad, I really like it.

ok thats enough for now.
blog soon

1 comment:

  1. No post for a while means you're busy.
    No posts forever means you're either dead or given up.

    Hope to cruise with you :P
