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Saturday, November 13, 2010

and it begins

Good day,

So i read my freind Chris' blog outlining his plans for the summer. And I thought thats a good idea, so here I am.
I must admit straight up that I am a bit weary of blogging, it always seemed to me a tool for the narcissitic, an online shrine to oneself. But in away thats what this is going to be, but hopefully more.

Summer holidays are a time in which i spend alot of time alone (well more than usual), and in my solace often come great revelations. Revelations about myself and the world around me, revelations that are too easily forgotten when i'm thrust back into the venomous web of reality. (as an aside i resent people telling me "wait to you get in the real world", because i have a few shreds of excitement and passion in me that haven't been sucked out by the anal vaccum that is a 9-5 job does not mean my life is any less real). Come, to think of it i'm writing in anticipation of an ephiphany and i'm confident it will come, as strange as it sounds. I will endevour to be as truthful and raw as possible, if not for an accurate depiction of my development over the next few months, then for your entertainment.

SO, things i want to do this summer.

1. Get ridiculously fit. I mean ridiculously. I am going on a 6 day a week gym regime, complemented by basketball twice a week. Why? well apart from my eternal quest for perfection there is a feeling when your fit that is indescribably amazing.  I guess it's a feeling of invincibility and power (themes i wish to explore in the future). Besides, with the importance people put to a sexy body these days, a few stomach crunches and any indiscretion is forgiven. "sure he kicked the baby in the face and ejaculated on the pastor's forehead, but damn check out those chiseled abs".

2. Get a job. not just any shitty job like luna park last year. i want a relevant legal job to work on a couple of days a week. Not so much for the money, but to actually experience the industry I am so determined to excel in.

3. learn about technical analysis (with shares). i want to refine my skills as an investor. If i want to retire with the 500 million i plan on, its going to be through savvy investing and confidence in my skills. Not depriving myself of sleep working extra hours and sucking dick for that promotion.

4. develop a stronger trust in my intuition. i used to be able to feel so much, sense people and know what to say. speakmy mind because i knew whatever it's first reaction was the correct one. no matter how shocking or whatever reaction it elcited. I think over the last three years university has slowly beaten that out of me. Ironically it is meant to be the place for expression and development of ideas, but the pressure by those brilliant people around me has often had me second guessing myself. I don't know why, but the people i let into my mind have become fewer and fewer, trust is scarce and few who know me, know me. I plan to remedy this, expressing myself at every oppurtunity. And if i face rejection or ridicule, well i havent really thought that out yet, but hopefully I trust my intiuition and punch them in the face.

This is already getting long, and i havent told your about my exciting day as yet. i'll leave it for some other time. Man, blogging is so fun and cathartic. Maybe a narccisistic shrine to myself is not such a bad idea after all.

1 comment:

  1. OoooOo

    Let comments fill your new e-ego.

    Hope to start reading your blog more often :)
